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The Physics Laboratory is also well equipped with all the apparatus and equipment as per the C.B.S.E. syllabus requirement. Students are directed and encouraged to undertake experiments themselves, though supervision is done by experienced and trained faculty members. The lab also has a darkroom to perform experiments.
We have a well-equipped and spacious Chemistry Laboratory with the capacity to accommodate 48 students. We provide the latest facilities such as T.L.C. & H.P.W.C. to students for qualitative as well as quantitative analysis according to the C.B.S.E. syllabus. Students learn and absorb much more through pragmatic experiments under the supervision of well qualified and experienced faculty members.
With the seating capacity for 40 students, the Biology Laboratory is equipped with modern equipments and apparatus like Projection Microscope, Pathological Microscopes, Electronic Microscope and Binoculars. Students learn different concepts of the living world through models and specimens available in the Biology Laboratory.
The well-equipped Home science lab is a bright airy room that provides the perfect ambience to learn the art & science of Home Science Management. School has a well-furnished and fully equipped Home Science Lab with a cooking range, microwave, refrigerator and other essentials. It has a big white board to aid the teaching – learning process models, charts and other framed handwork adds to the ambience of the lab. Students are taught to handle several cooking skills, home and money management, stitching, testing of adulteration in food items and making of decoratives etc.
The school has well equipped computer lab for primary, middle and secondary school. Every effort is being made to utilize the available facilities and develop computer awareness in each and every student. Computer learning has been recognized as an essential and useful tool of modern learning. All labs are air-conditioned and equipped with a fire fighting systems.
All the Computer Labs are equipped with the latest hardware and software as per the curriculum.
Interactive white boards are used for classroom teaching and involve students to learn with technology. It helps in better comprehension of the concepts. This upgraded integration provides advance teaching atmosphere by connecting students to the global information and better visual explanations.